Nmma Exam Preparation Reasning Alphabet Quiz 10 Pdf

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Nmma Exam Preparation Reasning Alphabet Quiz 10 

(1) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

         ACE PRT MNO VXZ

(2) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

          ZYX DCB TSR ABC

(3) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

         ADG PSV HKN FIL

(4) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

          ABC DEF GHI KLN

(5) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

          PON POT TOP OTP

(6) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

           BOX GOO PEN RAT

(7) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

            ABc PQr STu MNO

(8) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

             Rst ABc Mno Pqr

(9) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

               aei eia oua moa

(10) In the following question, if an alphabet group differs according to some rule, what is the correct answer?

Aac Ppr Mmo

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