(1) What is the minute of half an hour?
90 minutes 120 minutes 130 minutes 150 minutes
(2) How often do 11 pairs occur in 54116114511993311?
2 3 4 5
(3) What is the meter of one kilometer?
10 100 100000 1000
(4) How many thousand are in one lakh?
1000 100 10000 10
(5) What is the square root of the cube of 4?
16 64 4 8
(6) Gu of 12 and 36. S.A. How much
3 12 36 18
(7) (36 _ 4) _ 8 = 1 Put the correct symbols in the blank space so that the equating equation becomes true.
÷, + +, - ÷, × ÷, -
(8) 4, 10, 15, 19,?
22 24 23 25
(9) What is the cube root of the square root of 64?
4 8 9 2
(10) What is the sum of the first 3 factors of 4?
24 12 18 10