Nmma Exam Preparation Science Quiz 1 Pdf

Nmma Exam Preparation Science Quiz 1 Pdf

 આ ક્વીઝ રમવા માટે

CHAPTER - 1 Where does food come from?

(1) What kind of animal is a lizard?

(A) Herbivorous (B) Carnivorous (C) Misguided (D) None of the above

(2) What kind of animal is a human being?

(A) Herbivorous (B) Carnivorous (C) Misguided (C) None of the above

(4) What kind of animal is a cow?

(A) Herbivorous (B) Carnivorous (C) Misguided (D) All given

(5) Which of the following is not a milk product?

(A) Yogurt (B) Butter (C) Cheese (D) Chicken curry

(6) Which part of the potato plant is used for food?

(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Leaf (D) Flower

(7) Which part of the carrot plant is used for food?

(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Leaf (D) Flower

(8) The main food of the people of which state is usually lentils, rice, bread and vegetables?

(A) Gujarat (B) Rajasthan (C) West Bengal (D) Uttar Pradesh

(9) Which of the following food is a vegetable product?

(A) Honey (B) Ghee (C) Mustard (D) Milk

(10) Which of the following substance is an animal product?

(A) Beans (B) Salt (C) Spices (D) Butter

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