Pse Exam Preparation Maths 13

Pse Exam Preparation Maths 13

Hello student friends, the Maths quiz that is placed on our website is Maths number 10 today and the students who want to download today's pdf of Maths grammar number 10 can download it from the link given below. Today's quiz wh question has created the power of ongoing questions that if students want to play the quiz and want to download its pdf the link is given below and through that link students can download pdf. 


By what name is the calculator known in Gujarati?
Computers, telephones, calculators, computers

What does the calculator work with?
From electricity, from light, from petrol, from cell (power)

What is the number of digits in the calculator?
Ten, nine, eight, seven

Which button is in the calculator to remove all the calculations?
mrc, mr, mc, ac

Which button should be used to re-read the calculation in the calculator?
mrs, mrc, mcr, ac

Which button is used to turn on the calculator?
off, on, ac, no

Which button is used to turn off the calculator?
on, ac, no, off

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