Pse Exam Preparation Maths Quiz 10


Hello, friends welcome to our website we have brought here for students studying standard 6 this quiz which is taken by the government for PSI exam Kiz has been created keeping in view the exam and inside this quiz there will be photo 10 questions and those questions below Assuming four options are given, the student will have to find the right option.

How is the rest always divided?
Big, small, similar, not even one

1, 2, 3, 4,5 What are these numbers?
Whole number, odd number, natural number, prime number

What is the neutral number of multiplication?
0, 1, 2, 4

How many points are on the line?
One, two, three, innumerable

What is the origin of a ray?
Three, innumerable, three, innumerable

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