Nmms Exam Preparation Maths Quiz 33

Maths Quiz

1) L.S.A. of 20 and 15. How much
4 8, 3, 5

(2) Which of the following numbers is prime?
69 69, 33, 87

(3) What is the number of factors of 25?
2, 5, 3, 7

(4) The number 45530 can be divided by what number?
4, 10, 8, 7

(5) How many kilometers are there in 100000 meters?
1000 kilometers, 10000 kilometers 10 kilometers 10 kilometers

(6) Which of the following does not answer 10?
6 + 2 +2, 2 × 1 × 5, 61 – 61, 0 + 1 × 10 × 0

(7) What number starts with a negative integer?
0, 1, – 1, 11

(8) If you need 2.20 meters of cloth to sew one pants, how much cloth do you need to sew 5 pants?
10 m, 11 m, 11.20 m, 12.20 m

(9) How many angles does a triangle have?
4, 3, 5, 1

(10) Which side of the number 0A – 7 comes on the number line?
Left, right, up, down,


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