Nmms Exam Preparation Maths Quiz 36

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 Maths Quiz 36

Sign language Question
If f = 1, t = 7, n = 6, b = 9 then naughty =?
6791, 6719, 6797, 7697

If b = 1, Rs = 7, j = 6, m = 9 then Jamrukh =?
1769, 6917, 6971, 6176

Ahmedabad = 67251 then Damva =?
257, 762, 251, 275

Himalayas = 7645 then Manhimal =?
7664, 6745, 6764, 5476

If b = 1, n = 7, t = 6, r = 9 then swimming =?
679, 796, 766, 697

If g = 1, t = 7, n = 6, b = 9 then Khan song =?
9617, 9167, 9616

Visavadar = 12345 then Savar =?
235, 123, 125, 253

If k = 1, b = 7, m = 6, j = 9 then the lesion =?
769, 976, 996, 679

Around = 4535 then pass =?
7353, 3543, 3535, 5353

If m = 1, b = 7, n = 6, j = 9 then minerals =?
769, 1269, 796, 697

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