Effective class practice - અસરકારક વર્ગ વ્યવહાર Test-2 Pdf

અસરકારક વર્ગ વ્યવહાર Test-2 Pdf

Which assessment tool is used for face-to-face interviews?
Sequential test, oral test, written test

What is the assessment tool in which multiple students can be assessed at once?
Observation, written test, oral test

Which of the following test can be designed easily, quickly and easily?
Functional test, written test, oral test

Which tool is most useful in assessing students' oral reading?
Observation, writing, sequence criteria

Which of the following assessments can be considered the best?
Written test Oral test, self-assessment

What does a teacher call a test to find out what a student does not know?
Therapeutic, test, diagnostic test

The hardness value of the question is 0 to 0. What question can be considered up to 20?
Medium, easy, hard

The hardness value of the question is 0. What question can be considered as 80?
Medium, easy, hard

How many methods are used for teacher evaluation?
Four, three, five

Who makes the correct assessment of the teacher?
Supervisor, student, educator

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