ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન - Functional research Test- 2

ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન - Test 2

In which country did action research begin?
India, America, England

How many people can do functional research?
Only two men, only seven, more than one but approximately ten

Who initiated the quiz invented for the purpose of personal measurement?
Ed Worth Louie, Louis Pashwar, Wundworth

Psychological test is a test that measures what is intended to be measured.
Exactly, exactly, not one

Developmental type research is put in place
Logical research, functional research, descriptive research

Who finds the results of action research useful?
To the whole expert, to the wider group, to a single school or class

What are the symptoms of a psychological test?
Tastes, honesty, all

What are the main benefits of the conference?
Guiding new researchers, exchanging ideas, all

Which of the following is a feature of observation method?
Absolute control, real study, not one

Who is the pioneer of action research?
Ed Word Lewis, Stephen Corey, Anto Gargi

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