Social Science Std 6 Chep 1 Test 3

Social Science Std 6 Chep 1 Test 3

Which of these civilizations is seen by an archaeologist?
Indus, Ganges, Shaun

How many years ago did cities come into existence in India?
2500 years, 3500 years, 4500 years

From the areas around the river Ganga, how many years ago did cities exist?
 2500 years, 3500 years, 4500 years

Where does the word India come from?
Winds, Hands, Indus

What is Indus (India) called in Sanskrit?
Sapatpradesh, Indus, coastal region

Which river was familiar to the ancient and Greek people?
Tapi, Narmada, Indus

What did the Iranians call the river Indus?
Winds, Hindos, Indus

What did the Greeks call the river Indus?
Winds, Hindos, Indus

By what name was the east bank of the river Indus known?
India, Pakistan, China

In which scripture is the name of India mentioned?
Yajurveda, Rigveda, Atharvaveda

How is our country India known?
A human group called Bharat, a human group called Bharat, a group called Bhat

Whose name is associated with the chronology of the world?
Vallabhacharya, Aryabhata, Jesus Christ

Who is the founder of Christianity?
Asho Zarathustra, Jesus Christ, Jesus Zarathustra

How is the year after the birth of Jesus Christ known?
anno domini, before christ, middle christ

How is the year before the birth of Jesus Christ known?
anno domini, before christ, middle christ

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